Doktor w dziedzinie nauk medycznych i nauk o zdrowiu (w dyscyplinie nauki o kulturze fizycznej). Absolwent Olsztyńskiej Szkoły Wyższej (studia I oraz II stopnia), Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego Józefa Piłsudskiego w Warszawie (studia doktoranckie – III stopnia) oraz Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie (studia podyplomowe z zakresu „Żywienie i dietetyka człowieka”). Stypendysta naukowy Minister Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego prof. Barbary Kudryckiej. Nauczyciel akademicki (adiunkt) i szkoleniowiec. Autor i współautor ponad 50 krajowych i zagranicznych publikacji naukowych w prestiżowych czasopismach jak Aging and Disease, Crybiology, Scientific World Journal, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, Journal of Human Kinetics, i wiele innych. Uczestnik kilku projektów naukowych dotyczących m. in. wpływu różnych warunków środowiska na wskaźniki stresu oksydacyjnego oraz stanu zapalnego we krwi. Doświadczony diagnosta laboratoryjny – przez wiele lat prowadził badania naukowe i komercyjne w Centralnym Laboratorium Badawczym przy Olsztyńskiej Szkole Wyższej. Dyplomowany specjalista z zakresu żywienia, suplementacji i treningu fizycznego.

Moje publikacje i certyfikaty

Acute Cardiorespiratory and Metabolic Responses to Incremental Cycling Exercise in Endurance- and Strength-Trained Athletes

Body adaptation to Dance A Gerontological Perspective

Body mass loss in dry sauna and heart rate response to heat stress

Effects of a 12-month complex proprioceptive-coordinative training program on soccer performance in prepubertal boys aged 10–11 years

Exercise in Aging Be Balanced

Heart rate variability during pre-competition and competition periods in volleyball players

Maximizing university students’ motor fitness by implementing a physical education program incorporating martial arts – implicational study

On the Road to Recovery Do ID Polymorphisms in the ACE Gene have a Part to Play

Oxidation–reduction processes in ice swimmers after ice-cold water bath and aerobic exercise

Postexercise Impact of Ice-Cold Water Bath on the Oxidant-Antioxidant Balance in Healthy Men

Protective Effects of Exercise Become Especially Important for the Aging Immune System in The Covid-19 Era

Rate of physical development in boys aged 10-11 years and the effects of training loads during a 12!month soccer program

Relationship Between BMI and Endurance-Strength Abilities Assessed by the 3 Minute Burpee Test

Relationships between anthropometric features, body composition, and anaerobic alactic power in elite post-pubertal and mature male taekwondo athletes

Relationships between anthropometric traits, body composition and aerobic capacity in male soccer players aged 13–15 years

Relationships between measures of functional and isometric lower body strength, aerobic capacity, anaerobic power, sprint and countermovement jump performance

Sauna-induced body mass loss in physically inactive young women and men

Sauna-Induced Body Mass Loss in Young Sedentary Women and Men

Socioeconomic Determinants of the Anthropometric Characteristics and Motor Abilities of Polish Male University Students A Cross-Sectional Study Conducted in 2000–2018

Temperamental Traits Versus Individual Physical Fitness

The effect of a single Finnish sauna bath after aerobic exercise on the oxidative status in healthy men

The effect of cold-water bath on postexercise activity of α1-antitrypsin and selected lysosomal enzymes in healthy men’s blond – preliminary study

The Effect of Submaximal Exercise Followed by Short-Term Cold-Water Immersion on the Inflammatory State in Healthy Recreational Athletes A Cross-Over Study

The effects of a 6-month moderate-intensity Hatha yoga-based training program on health-related fitness in middle-aged sedentary women a randomized controlled study

Effects of two low-volume high-intensity interval training protocols in professional soccer: sprint interval training versus small-sided games

The Influence of Ambient Temperature Changes on the Indicators of Inflammation and Oxidative Damage in Blood after Submaximal Exercise

Moje artykuły eksperckie



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